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The Power of Afrofuturism in Black Maternal Health


Are you a fan of Afrofuturism and looking for ways to celebrate and get involved in your community? Look no further than a fantastic year-long community art project that's bringing together creativity, cultural competence, and a vision for the future. This initiative offers a series of free events that merge expressive art experiences with Afrofuturism concepts to create spaces for celebrating and reimagining what's to come.

Afrofuturism isn’t just a cultural trend; it’s a way of envisioning bold futures where Black lives—and especially Black mothers—are empowered, thriving, and celebrated. Through All Our Babies: Birthing the Afrofuture, we’re reimagining Black maternal health in ways that challenge the limitations of the past while embracing possibilities that uplift our communities. Afrofuturism allows us to look forward, not just as spectators but as co-creators of a future where Black maternal health is no longer overlooked but is central to the collective well-being of our society.

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